The days following your surgery.
On the days following your amputation surgery:
~ After you have been discharged from the hospital you will either be going to a rehab facility for muscle strengthening and learning transfer techniques or to home. If you are going home it is important for you to follow the instructions given to you by your doctor. Your discharge paperwork should explain detailed instructions on how to care for the surgical site, dressing changes, bathing, your activity level and when and where and how to receive physical therapy.
~ Take your pain relievers for soreness and pain as ordered by your doctor. Aspirin or certain other pain medications may increase the chance of bleeding, be sure to take only recommended medications.
~ Notify your doctor to report fever and/or chills, redness, swelling, or bleeding or other drainage from the incision site. Report any markedly increased pain around the amputation site.
~ In most cases you should be able to resume your normal diet unless your doctor has advised you differently.
~ Following your surgery is normal and to be expected for your residual limb to swell because there is fluid present in the tissues. The best strategy involves reducing the swelling as quickly as possible. This will help reduce the pain and also will encourage your limb to heal by reducing pressure on the tissue. The management of your edema/swelling will vary depending on your surgeon.
~ You will keep your residual limb bandaged until your doctor orders otherwise. Usually, your surgical site will have staples in it and they will need to be removed after your wound has healed.
~ Most physicians do not order special Shrinker socks until your staples have been removed.
This list is not intended to be an all inclusive list. If you have actual knowledge to other items not mentioned please email them to for posting consideration.